
Monday, 2 April 2012

Updating your workspace for more organized and efficient hacking

If you’ve ever looked at one of [Todd Harrison’s] teardown or how-to videos closely, you would likely notice that his work bench looks like a standard hacker workspace. While we all try to keep our work areas clear of clutter, it’s not uncommon for components to pile up, cords to tangle, and things to get messy. [Todd] decided it was time to get a bit more organized, so he recorded a video showing how he went about the process.
Part of [Todd’s] work revolved around adding shelves to his bench so that he didn’t have measurement equipment stacked on top of one another. He also spent a good amount of time adding 30 additional plug sockets to his work space, replacing the single socket he had been struggling with for years.
Obviously this is not really a hack in and of itself, though this sort of reorganization is an important to efficient hacking all the same. We like the fact that [Todd] took the time to explain his process and materials in great detail – it will no doubt be helpful to those new to hacking.

1 comment:

Chinmay said...

One of my biggest amusement has been installing Mac on a PC. Most of the techs show to do it via VMWare and other virtualization softwares. But I just saw a hack (which even the hacker told, was very complicated)and was literally impressed by it. :)

Your article just matched that level of my interest! :)